Spring Clothing Poems
Spring Fashion
They've switched spring on now
But, on some of our sets
The contrast is too high,
The volume was far too loud
As hastily uncovered flesh
Sports goose-pimples
Too proud to hide
And sun-glassed poseurs
Fumble in the dark
Like the blind
Each time a
A fleeting passing cloud appears
And fashionable shorts
Seem to be magnets
For that sneaky wind
Which April's sorcerer
Kept up his sleeve,
Redundant raincoats
Sit at home and laugh
At our precocity
And sheer ineptitude.
Yes, spring's switched on
But we are not switched on
To her inconsistency.
It's Spring
by John Foster
It's spring
And the garden is changing its clothes,
Putting away
Its dark winter suits.
Its dull scarves
And drab brown overcoats.
Now, it wraps it self in green shoots
Slips on blouses
Sleeved with pink and white blossom,
Pulls on skirts of daffodil and primrose
Snowdrop socks and purple crocus shoes,
Then dances in the sunlight.