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I can too

Kaysheca Gibbs


If he can do it I can do it too

I can probably do it better than him

Why does he get paid more than me

Why should I have to stay home while he works

Why should I do the cooking and cleaning

While he relaxes

We can succeed as much as they can

We can lead better than them


Mabel Esther Allan 

You go at night into immensity,

Leaving this green earth, where hawthorn flings

Pale stars on hedgerows, and our serenity

Is twisted into strange shapes; my heart never sings

Now on spring mornings, for you fly at nightfall

From this earth, I know

Toward the clear stars, and over all

Those dark seas and waiting towns you go;

And when you come to me

There are fearful dreams in your eyes,

And remoteness. Oh, God! I see

How far away you are,

Who may so soon meet death beneath an alien star.

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